“Red Diamonds, Grey Gold” is a true story about the adventures of a young surveyor in the Amazon Rain Forest of Venezuela but it is also a stark reminder of what gold mining with mercury pollution is doing to one of the last pristine environments on the planet. Unfortunately since Juan was at the Amazon in the early 80's the situation has deteriorated significantly in this region, particularly due to rampant illegal mining, but also through the industrialization of what was then a rudimentary and Artisanal process. Today hundreds of professional grade barges continually pollute rivers at an alarming rate under the apathetic eye of the authorities. Not only is mercury pollution an issue of great concern but habitat destruction and excessively high water turbidity are a serious threat to the local ecology and the livelihood of the indigenous people“.
Dr Rudolf Jaffe
George Barley professor of environmental chemistry
Florida international University
Behind Plaza‘s story line you are likely to find three traits merging into a compelling fusion: first you’ll run into the practical, resourceful and ingenious insights from his engineer background. Then, a deep love and commitment towards the stewardship of earths environment; and lastly the stimulating sense of adventure that has always been his trademark in life. “Red Diamonds, Grey Gold“ will transport you with the realism of the true story it is, to the core of the day-to-day struggle of people forever adapting to the challenges of the unforgiving Amazon jungle, while at the same time facing the unscrupulous pillage and exploitation of this rich but vulnerable place. Aviator, writer, explorer, astronomer, surfer, craftsman, photographer, cook, brewer, artist, child prodigy, and the list goes on Juan has, since his youngest years, been receiving the admiring attention of world renowned intellectuals, astronauts, historians, billionaires, craftsman, musicians, among many others in his multifaceted life. Juan has been called more than once a “21st Century Renaissance Man“, by people who, like me, I’ve had the luck of sharing in his always inspiring life.
Pablo K Ramos, Houston 2013
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